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How to Export an ECG Channel to a Txt File

  1. Open EEGLAB in MatLab (type “eeglab” in MatLab and hit enter)

  2. In EEGLAB, go to “file” -> “import” -> “using EEGLAB functions and plugins” -> “import Phillips .mff file”

  3. Select the mff file of the ECG recording you want to import

  4. For trigger/event type select “code”

  5. Go to “plot” -> “channel data (scroll)” and check to see what channel number corresponds to the ECG channel (usually channel 66). You should be looking for a QRS wave signal

  6. Go to “edit” -> “select data” and enter the ECG channel number into “channel range”

  7. Save the new data set

  8. Confirm the right channels were removed by navigating to “plot” -> “channel data (scroll)”

  9. Then go to “file” -> “export” -> “data and ica activity to text file”

  10. Make sure the only boxes checked are “transpose matrix (elec -> cols)” and “use comma separator (csv) instead of tabs”. All other boxes should be unchecked.

  11. Enter the file name with a proper title (should end in .txt) and select the proper folder destination

  12. Wait until the file is finished uploading before closing MatLab


How to export an ECG channel to a .txt file in MatLab

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