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In order to analyze our data as accurately as possible, it is important that we filter out the extreme high and low frequency waves in...
Delete or Interpolate Bad Channels
Affected data segments may be rejected (deleted) or replaced (interpolated) with estimations based on nearby non-artifact contaminated...
Set Channel Locations
BESA is capable of automatically recognizing the electrode coordinates and their labels for certain EEG caps. Channels that have been...
Import Data
After choosing a dataset, isolate the raw EEG data from the metadata and other contextual information about the experiment. Download the...
Collect Data
There are hundreds of sites with free, downloadable EEG data that can be imported into BESA. Usually, each dataset will include an...
Other Info
BIOPAC 101 NetStation, EEGLAB, and FieldTrip often use different words to describe the same thing. When turning on the laptop, hold down...
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