Affected data segments may be rejected (deleted) or replaced (interpolated) with estimations based on nearby non-artifact contaminated data. Interpolation should be less than 5% of the total channels (so interpolate 3-4 channels max if you have 64 channels total) This is due to the data warping interpolation does to nearby data.
Deleting Channels
We may want to delete bad channels that contain too many artifacts (noise, movement, blinking, etc.). Right click on the desired channel and click “Define this channel as bad”. The channel will automatically delete. This process can be reversed by clicking “Define this channel as bad” again.
Interpolating Channels
Interpolating creates a new, computer generated version of a bad channel using the data from the channels directly above and below it. This is not actual data and is merely an approximation. The channel label will turn pink when this is done.