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Head Plots
Headplots allow us to spatially visualize the neural activity for a given time range. We look at these to make sure the plots look like...
Averaging Trials
For each stimulus type for each person, we want to average all of the trials together. We now switch from using EEGLAB to using...
FieldTrip doesn’t have a graphic user interface (menus you can click). It is instead a set of functions. Most of these functions have...
Sorting by Stimulus Type
Now, you should separate out each different stimulus type into its own file, and save that file. I give these file names with the subject...
Example Components
There are several things to look at when determining whether or not to reject a component. None of these are hard-and-fast rules; they...
Component Rejection
Once we run ICA, we can remove the noise components. This section explains how to use the SASICA plugin to identify and reject noise...
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