Please update the keys as you create new abbreviations.
StudyCode_SubjectNumber_Condition_AnalysisPerformed_Stimulus Type.extension
Study Code
Each study has its own study code consisting of two letters. Every file name will contain a study number.
AA: Dr. Thom’s Dissertation Experiment 1
AB: Dr. Thom’s Dissertation Experiment 2
ZZ: Miscellaneous Tests
Subject Number
Each participant gets their own three digit number. Every file name will contain a subject number.
When data is recorded, it is saved with the study number, subject number, and condition (if there is a condition). For example: 003_015.mff or 004_003_postQR.mff
For example, in the Dissertation Experiment 2 dataset, each participant was tested before quiet rest (preQR), after quiet rest (postQR), before exercise (preEX), and after exercise (postEX). A study may not have multiple conditions. If it doesn’t, then the file name just wouldn’t have a dime or condition indicator, for example: “001_011_ICA.set”
preQR: Before Quiet Rest
postQR: After Quiet Rest
preEX: Before Exercise
postEX: After Exercise
Analysis Performed
Each script you run a dataset through should add a short tag to the file name when the file is saved. This way, if a file is misplaced, you know what has been done to the file. You don’t need to add a tag for every single step, just every script.
For example, if my first analysis script deletes bad channels, filters the data, and runs ICA, I’ll have it add “_ICA” when it saves each file. So after this step, the file name is “001_009_postEX_ICA.set.” My second step would be deleting bad components by hand and saving the file by hand, so I’d save it as “002_009_postEX_ICA_CR.set.”
_ICA : ICA has been run
_CR : Bad components have been rejected
Stimulus Type
When you sort the data into files by stimulus type, label the file with the stimulus type abbreviation.
A: angry scenes
Af: angry faces
N: neutral scenes
Nf: neutral faces
F: fearful scenes
Ff: fearful faces
J: joyful scenes
Jf: joyful faces
ple: pleasant stimuli
unp: unpleasant stimuli
File Extension
.mff – Net station default file type
.raw – raw. (able to be opened in EEGLAB)
.set – EEGLAB dataset. Corresponds to .raw file.
.fdt – EEGLAB dataset. Corresponds to .set file.
.mat – Matlab matrix. FieldTrip data is saved as .mat